This below form provides details to becoming a member of the Milton Pickleball Association. Please read the following conditions associated with membership. 
Health Declaration
I consider myself physically able to participate in Pickleball and will assume all risks associated with playing Pickleball in Milton. 
Medical Authorization
I accept responsibility for my own medical care. I give permission to staff and volunteers with the Town of Milton or Milton Pickleball Association to arrange for any emergency care including hospitalization and transportation if necessary, and I agree to pay for all expenses and costs incurred thereby.

Waiver of Liability
I release and waive all claims and hold harmless the Milton Pickleball Association, the Corporation of the Town of Milton, as well as any venue where Milton Pickleball Association members might play, including their elected officials, officers, employees, agents, representatives, volunteers and any other participants, for any liability, property damage or personal injury, including socially communicated infections such as Covid-19, that may affect me.

The Milton Pickleball Association will endeavour to not share my email address for any other reason but for Association based communications, however, I understand there may be times when the Association deems it appropriate to share it.  As such, I agree my personal information, limited to my email address and telephone number, can be shared within the Association and its with its members without my specific consent. Any other personal information must remain confidential for use by the Association only and for its intended use. 

Photos & Videos for use by Association
I understand that from time to time the Milton Pickleball Association may post photographs and/or videos of me on their social media feeds to promote the Association. The feeds include, but are not limited to the Association Website, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. (You may opt out of this on the application form)

I have read and understand the health declaration, medical authorization, waiver of liability and disclosure statement as listed above. I have read the Code of Conduct and Constitution for the Association.
NOTE: both the Code of Conduct and Constitution were updated in 2021.  Please read the updated versions.

{Update: 2023-01-01}


Payment - $25 Annual Fee
Please use the following link to pay for the annual membership fee PRIOR TO SUBMITTING your registration. Once the payment is complete you can fill in the details below and submit.

* indicates required
Select whether you are a New or Renewing Member
( ) -
Please include your year of birth. We use this for statistical purposes and when we hold age-based tournaments and statistical analysis.
Gender is used for tournament preparation for Mixed Doubles as well as statistic analysis for the Town
Select whether you are willing to be a volunteer.
The Association will photograph players during play and special events. You may opt out of having your photo posted.
Entering your name in this field represents your agreement to the terms of joining the Milton Pickleball Association
Use date selector to enter today's date.
Have you paid for your membership yet? If so, type "YES". If not, please do so at the above payment link (highlighted in yellow) before clicking submit.
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